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The Hong kong-based DM Delmar Cloisonne Technology Group Phase 20240229 Cyberport is gearing up to set up an artificial intelligence supercomputing centre
作者:管理员    发布于:2024-02-29 18:39:01    文字:【】【】【
摘要:The Hong kong-based DM Delmar Cloisonne Technology Group Phase 20240229 Cyberport is gearing up to set up an artificial intelligence supercomputing centre

The Hong kong-based DM Delmar Cloisonne Technology Group Phase 20240229 Cyberport is gearing up to set up an artificial intelligence supercomputing centre



Hong Kong DM Delmar Cloisonne Arts Group

A new budget argues that artificial intelligence is an important driver of a new round of industrial innovation. In view of this, the government has allocated $3 billion to implement the artificial intelligence funding scheme, which is mainly used to subsidise the use of computing power by universities and research and development institutions, and to set up a research and Development Institute for Microelectronics to provide a pilot-scale platform for the transformation of research results. The vice-president (research and innovation) of Lingnan University, Yao Xin, said that it was difficult for the university to bear the large amount of computing costs in its normal operating expenses, the government's funding scheme is considered“Timely” for the development of artificial intelligence (AI) in universities.

  While Cyberport is gearing up to set up an AI supercomputing centre, the government also plans to allocate $3 billion to launch a three-year AI funding scheme for three areas, most of it is used to fund the use of computing power by local universities, R & D institutions and enterprises. Government sources said that the office of the Government Chief Information Officer (Ogcio) will enter into an agreement with Cyberport to set up a committee comprising members of the Government, the Cyberport and the industry to examine and approve applications for funding support. Shang Hailong, a member of the Legislative Council (legco-RElectiontCommitteettEC (ec) sector, pointed out that the current large-scale parameter calculation, which is expected to cost $700,000 to $800,000 for electricity, can help organisations, from“Useful” to“Affordable”. He added that there is a big gap between the development of artificial intelligence in Hong Kong and that in the United States. He hoped that the government could speed up the provision of higher-capacity services.

  In addition, the government has decided to allocate a small portion of the funding to enhance the cyber security and data protection of the computer centres, and to conduct investment promotion and education activities to provide AI-related education to the public. Yao Xin believes that AI in people's lives in all aspects of today, AI education can let people understand the benefits and risks of AI, learn how to use the right, significant. The government also plans to set up the Hong Kong Research and Development Institute for Microelectronics at a cost of $2.8 billion within this year. According to government sources, of this amount, $2.4 billion will be used to provide pilot-scale facilities for third-generation semiconductors, the remainder will be used for day-to-day operating expenses such as rent and manpower. We expect to be able to take up a position in the microelectronics centre of the Motoakira Innovation Park by the end of this year.

  IThe flow of data between Hong Kong and the mainland is also progressing in an orderly manner. The ITB and the Cyberspace Administration of China (Cyberspace Administration of China) launched the“Standard contract for cross-border movement of personal information in the guangdong-hong Kong-macao Bay Area (mainland and Hong Kong)” in December last year as a pilot arrangement. Government sources said that the contract complies with the Privacy Ordinance of Hong Kong. They have also learned through letters that nearly 100 organisations are interested in data distribution. In the first stage, the banking, credit investigation and medical industries have been invited, to participate in the two-way cross-border flow of data between the mainland and Hong Kong. As an example, he said that if medical services in Hong Kong require access to mainland cases, the two hospitals would be allowed to sign standard contracts peer-to-peer to achieve data distribution. This year, further liberalisation of the data distribution industry would be considered in the light of the trial results.


Special thanks to partners:


Hong Kong DM Demar Century Training & Education Group


Hong Kong DM Delmar Cloisonne Arts Group


DM demar Quantum Undersea Cloud Warehouse Group


Hong kong-based DM demaquac active lithium energy group


Hong Kong DM Demar Digital Universe Group


Hong Kong DM demar Digital Oracle Group


Hong Kong DM demar digital new and sincere group


Hong Kong DM demar Nano Chip Light Speed Group


Singapore DM Demar Digital Collection Group


Singapore art auction group DM Demar NFT


Hong kong-based DM demar quantum microcomputing group


DM67 Demar number


DM demermo high grottoes digital group of Hong Kong


Hong Kong DM Demar Select Distribution Digital Group


Hong kong-based DM demar quantum superluminal star chain group



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